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Aundre - 27 Yrs., Sydney, New South Wales, Australia |
Introduction |
You've gotten curious, I see? I must confess I enjoy that quality in a person. So, you want to know a little more about me? Well, I am certainly none to shy to lift a tip of the proverbial veil, and we can uncover more if you like what you read and see. I promise not to make you sweat… too much!
My name, as you may have gathered by now, is Aundre. I’m in my mid-twenties. However, I look much younger as I keep fit, toned and take very good care of myself, as my pictures might suggest. Those who know me would call me a bit of a jack-of-all-trades from a personality perspective.
My personality certainly has its mature sides, making me as those who know me would say; an excellent conversationalist. However, I am also proud to say that I retain my playfulness and general enjoyment of life and all it has to offer – and I mean that in the broad sense of the word!
Perhaps it is my life to date that has shaped me into the broad-minded person that I am today. Although I was born in Australia, I was blessed to see the world from an early age onward, following my ancestry. My English ancestry gives me my perfect manners, but my Hispanic and Latin American roots made me into the passionate man I am today.
From an educational point of view, I am not just a pretty face with no substance; I completed my university degree in Social Sciences with a specialization in Health and Wellness and have commenced a study in bio-chemistry.
Furthermore, I am a confident, cheeky chap with the gift to make those around him feel at ease. No, I am not just saying that to lure you in, it’s simply who I am as I truly enjoy bringing out the best in others and would love to bring out the best in you as well.
There hardly is anything I find more pleasing than to go out for dinner or a bar in good company, and watch the odd play or film. Other activities that bring me joy in my spare time, is working out at the gym – after all, how can I offer you all this and not keep myself in the best possible shape for you?
You may have guessed it by now; it’s all about you.
My pledge to you is the best possible boyfriend experience. No hassle, no clinginess, no arguments, just pure and utter bliss.
Whether that is derived from an intellectual conversation over a wonderful dinner - which incidentally I could prepare for us as - or earth-shattering sex, and everything in between. Or a combination there of?
So, what are you waiting for? Try it for yourself, you deserve it. |
Profile Data |
Age: |
27 Yrs. |
Ethnicity: |
Hispanic |
Location: |
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia |
Experience: |
Very Experienced |
Bisexual: |
No |
Languages: |
English, Spanish |
Availability: |
Outcall Only |
See Couples: |
Yes |
Provide Duos: |
Yes |
Dominations: |
No |
Submissions: |
No |
Weight: |
165.4 lbs / 75 kg |
Body Type: |
Athletic |
Eye Color: |
Brown |
Hair Color: |
Black |
Hair Style: |
Straight |
Hair Length: |
Other |
Piercings: |
Some, But Not noticeable |
Tattoos: |
Some, But Not noticeable |
Likes: |
Dinner Dates Massage |
Telephone National: |
0466509286 |
Telephone International: |
610466509286 |
Email: |
Click to Email |
Site URL: |
Visit Website |
Rates |
Time |
Incall |
Outcall |
1 Hour |
---- |
350 USD |
2 Hours |
---- |
600 USD |
3 Hours |
---- |
800 USD |
4 Hours |
---- |
1000 USD |
Overnight |
---- |
1800 USD |
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